"So take the worst case scenario and assume that Javed Hashmi is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so why didn't the army court martial the disgruntled officers who wanted the Sharifs out, and why did Mian sahib kick out Mushahidullah and then Pervez Rashid? I mean was he scared of the possibility..."
"You have to acknowledge that Mian sahib and the First Daughter by virtue of being the Head of the Media Cell never forget a slight."
"But we knew that about Mian sahib, I mean other than forgiving Dar sahib whose affidavit, need I add, continues to provide fodder to all Mian sahib's adversaries..."
"Even though the court ruled that the affidavit was the outcome of torture! And yes I know you are going to say that the Junior Sharif was in charge of Punjab at the time and the Advocate General, a Sharif appointee, did not pursue the case prompting the decision..."
"Stop, please stop, don't repeat yourself. What I wanted to say was that even if Hashmi sahib is correct in his accusations then surely..."
"Well, I don't think so, his views are dated to say the least..."
"Granted that these accusations relate to 2014..."
"No, that's not what I mean by dated....I am referring to the fact that he has no idea about the difference between chronological age and biological age."
"Hashmi said he is only one and a half years older than the Khan but his reference is to their chronological age, now if we take account of their biological age, based on their health and no doubt the amount of daily exercise each is capable of, then Hashmi is around 85 and the Khan is closer to 50 if not lower so there you go."
"Don't be facetious... hey, what about Mian sahib and Zardari sahib - what is their biological ages?"
"Mian sahib after the heart surgeries is close to Hashmi in age and Zardari sahib with his sugar problem is around 75, I reckon."
"Oh dear..."
"The Khan if he ever becomes the chief executive must set the same tradition as US presidents namely to jog and..."
"Hey, Trump is gonna trump that tradition - he will play golf instead."
"There goes a century old tradition but then some traditions need to be revisited don't you think."
"That may well be Trump's legacy."
"And the Khan's if he ever assumes power."


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