Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on Friday challenged anti-terrorism court's (ATC) verdict in Benazir Murder case. As per details, FIA has requested in its petition before the Rawalpindi Bench of Lahore High Court on behalf of the government to hand over death penalty to five accused acquitted and two police officials imprisoned. Petition states that ATC had not done justice.
Moreover, FIA's prosecutor has also been changed. Earlier, PPP had also filed an appeal against ATC s verdict in Lahore High Court's Rawalpindi Bench. PPP had requested court to bring Musharraf back and hang him till death. ATC, in its August 31st judgment, had declared Pervez Musharraf absconder. The court had also directed to forfeit the property of former president and military leader.
ATC had sentenced former Rawalpindi CPO Saud Aziz and former Rawal Town SP Khurram Shahzad to 17 years in prison, and fined them Rs 5 lac apiece. Both police officers were arrested from Adiala Jail.
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