Pakistan Standards & Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) has launched a crackdown against unlicensed and sub-standard bottled water manufacturers in Faisalabad. During surprise raids here Wednesday, three units have been sealed for indefinite period. Zakaullah Khan In-charge PSQCA told that on the special direction of Rana Tanvir Hussain Federal Minister for Science and the Technology and Khalid Siddque Director General PSQCA a comprehensive campaign against unlicensed and sub-standard manufacturers of bottled water has been initiated.
He told that Bilal Pure Water, Saigal City, Zam Zam Pure drinking water and Aab-e-Taha Jhang road were checked. These units were manufacturing sub-standard bottled water without any licence from the PSQCA. All of these units have been sealed for indefinite period. Zakaullah Khan has warned the other manufacturers of bottled water to immediately get license otherwise their units would also be sealed without any discrimination.
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