The members of the National Assembly's Standing Committee on Defence visited Head Quarters of Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA) on Tuesday. The delegation, led by Shaikh Rohale Asghar, the Chairman of standing committee was welcomed by Director General PMSA Rear Admiral Zaka Ur Rehman, SI (M) at HQ PMSA.
The committee was informed that PMSA came into existence in 1987 and is the sole Maritime Law Enforcement Agency of Pakistan, mandated to enforce national and international laws, agreements and conventions in all the Maritime Zones of Pakistan. It was highlighted that the agency is equipped with numerous potent sea-going platforms as well as air craft; PMSA undertakes diverse and effective operations at High Seas as well as Internal Waters of Pakistan. During the visit, the members of National Assembly were briefed in detail about capabilities of PMSA, along with a resume of major search and rescue, anti-poaching, counter-narcotics and anti-smuggling operations undertaken in the recent past. They were also briefed about PMSA's capability enhancement plans which include the ongoing induction of new ships, fast boats, infrastructure development and future plans of induction of halos and aircrafts to augment PMSA's search and rescue capability.
The honorable members of National Assembly also proceeded to sea onboard PMSA's recently-inducted MPV (Maritime Patrol Vessel), PMSS HINGOL, witnessed various operational activities and interacted with Officers and men onboard.-PR
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