The profit after tax of Pak Suzuki Motor Company stood at Rs 1.297 billion in six month period ended June 30, 2018 as compared to Rs 1.992 billion earned in the corresponding period in 2017. The company's earning per share stood at Rs 15.77 in the period under review against Rs 24.20 in the same period a year back.
According to the financial results, the company's turnover increased to Rs 62.391 billion in the half year period this year against Rs 46.828 billion in the same period last year while cost of sales increased to Rs 58.026 billion against Rs 42.003 billion.
The company's profit before taxation stood at Rs 2.047 billion in the half year of 2018 against Rs 2.896 billion in the same period in 2017. On a quarterly basis, the company posted a profit after tax of Rs 394 million with earning per share of Rs 4.78 during second quarter of 2018, down by 56 percent on quarter-on-quarter basis and 43 percent on year-on-year basis.
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