The Lahore High Court on Wednesday extended bail of former railways minister Khwaja Saad Rafiq and his brother Khwaja Salman Rafiq till December 11 and directed the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to submit reasons of issuing their arrest warrants. Khwaja brothers appeared before a two-judge bench headed by Justice Tariq Abbasi; however, their lawyers were not available due to appearance in a case before Supreme Court in Islamabad.
Earlier the court asked a NAB prosecutor about delay in decision on an application of the petitioners for transfer of the inquiries from Lahore to any other region of the bureau. The prosecutor stated that the court orders have been sent to Chairman NAB and application would be decided soon and sought time till Monday next. The court accordingly adjourned the hearing till December 11 and extended the pre-arrest interim bail of the Khwaja brothers. The NAB initiated an inquiry against Khwaja brothers in Paragon City scam while Saad Rafiq was also facing inquiries on railways and Ashiana-e-Iqbal Housing Scheme.
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