Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday said development of less development and backward areas was top priority of the government. He said the process of economic development could not complete until the backward areas were not brought at par with rest of developed parts of the country. The prime minister said this while chairing a meeting regarding Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for the year 2019-20.
The meeting was attended by Minister for Planning Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiar, Advisor on Finance Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Finance Secretary Younas Dagha, Secretary Planning Commission Zafar Hassan and high officials. The prime minister was given a briefing about the new projects being initiated in the next financial year under the PSDP and completion of ongoing PSDP projects.
He was told that according to the government vision, in the next fiscal year special attention is being given to development of backward areas.
The meeting was told that promotion of in-knowledge economy, agriculture, energy sector and less developed areas of the country specifically Balochistan, South Punjab, merged tribal areas were top most priority of the government.
The prime minister said uplift of backward areas was top most priority of the PTI government.
He directed to start work on a comprehensive plan for Karachi with consultation of the provincial and federal governments. He said promotion of economy knowledge was a must for economic development so that abilities of youth could be utilized. The prime minister also stressed the need for introducing innovation and modern technology in agriculture sector.
He said various projects were started in the past under the PSDP, but due to weak planning those projects could not yield the desired results. He directed minister for planning to give special focus on completion and viability of projects initiated under the PSDP.
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