University of Karachi's registrar Prof Dr Saleem Shahzad on Friday announced that KU Entry Test for MPhil, PhD, MS (Surgery) and MD (Medicine) would be held on Sunday July 14. The KU had received 3,803 forms against the total 2,028 available seats. Of them, 3,567 students were declared eligible for appearing in the written test.
The KU registrar directed eligible students to appear at the examination centres at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time along with their original computerised national identity card and admit card. The written test will start at 10am. He mentioned that admission would be granted on the basis of result of the test and interview to be conducted by the respective Departmental Research Committee in accordance with the instructions given in the Admission Prospectus 2019.
Prof Dr Saleem Shahzad said that Karachi University entrance test 2019 is mandatory for candidate and the list of successful candidates would be announced on KU website on July 31, 2019.
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