Print Print 2019-07-26

Partly Facetious: Are you aware of Khan's hatred for the Maulana

"The Khan is going to get really mad at them for doing the same-o, same-o."
Published July 26, 2019

"The Khan is going to get really mad at them for doing the same-o, same-o."
"Excuse me, but The Khan has surrounded himself with the same-o's, same-o's so how can he take anyone to task for doing what he is doing."
"Easy peasy my friend, when you are the King of the castle then you can do pretty much what you want."
"There are many who say The Castle is like the Forbidden City in China, you know many, many pavilions to house the Emperor's many, many wives though one pavilion housed the favourite..."
"Stop. The Khan has had only one wife at a time..."
"Don't be facetious, and you know as well as I that I am not referring to his life status. When I said the same-o, same-o I was referring to the Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf team that had the audacity to go visit the Maulana while The Khan was telling his audience in the US that phase two of the 'get the corrupt into jail' project would begin with the Maulana and let's be honest..."
"Phase two or phase three?"
"I am not sure which phase we are at now but certainly his number will come right after the Sharifs are dealt with and..."
"So which of the PTI members went a calling to the Maulana's house seeking support for Sanjrani?"
"The chief minister of Balochistan is an ally not a party member so The Khan can do nothing to him but Shibli Faraz is the leader of the house in the senate and he may get a WhatsApp message from The Khan informing him that he has lost his position."
"What got him to go? Surely he knew The Khan's hatred for the Maulana!"
"Well, that's the old same-o, same-o politics that Zardari sahib mastered: hate at your own time but seek support, and promise whatever it takes, to achieve your objective."
"Short-term or long-term objective?"
"It's always short term and it varies from case to case."
"Don't be facetious."
"Had The Khan sanctioned seeking the Maulana's assistance our First Daughter would have gone!"
"The Khan's daughter is not in this country and..."
"I meant Jehnagir Tareen - he is as dear to The Khan as Ivanka is to Trump."
"That is indeed true."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019


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