Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar said on Wednesday that daily testing capacity of the Punjab government has increased to more than six thousands corona tests, while around 5030 persons have been tested during the last 24 hours.
"Diagnostic testing capacity will be increased to 10,000 corona tests daily as sufficient resources are available to deal with coronavirus, about 3086 coronavirus patients have been healed in Punjab and smart sampling has also been started in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan, Gujranwala, Gujrat and Faisalabad to conduct tests under different categories," the CM said while talking to provincial ministers Syed Sumsam Bukhari, Malik Asad Khokhar, Nauman Langrial, Sardar Asif Nakai, Sardar Muhammad Sibtain Khan, Ghazanfar Abbas MPA and former assembly member Rai Hasan Nawaz at his office here.
Asking the people to stay home and also follow necessary precautions to overcome the spread of coronavirus.
"I again made an appeal to the citizens to do not go out without need because coronavirus could be overcome with the cooperation of the general public," he said, adding: "The people should adopt necessary precautions while smart lockdown is aimed at saving the people from coronavirus."
Sardar Usman Buzdar asked the parliamentarians to play more effective role with regard to steps taken for overcoming the coronavirus.
The CM maintained that the government is fully aware of the difficulties being faced by the unemployed strata and pointed out that an amount of Rs 12000 is being given to the needy under the Ehsaas Kafalat Programme. Similarly, Rs3000 will be given to the deserving people under CM Ramazan Package which will benefit one million families.
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