HOUSTON: Venezuela's state-run PDVSA is tendering to buy its annual supply of components for motor gasoline and intermediate fuels for mixing with its heavy crudes, so the company launched three offers on the open market to import 7.8-15.5 million barrels of alkylate, MTBE and heavy naphtha, according to traders.
Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) usually tenders once a year to buy these types of components for motor gasoline that are not produced locally.
It also imports heavy naphtha to mix with heavy crudes going out from the Orinoco belt.
The first tender is to buy 12 cargoes of alkylate for a total volume of 2.88 million barrels, the second tender is to obtain 12-36 cargoes of 240,000 barrels each of MTBE (metil terbutil ether) used to oxygenate motor gasoline, and the third is to import 4-8 cargoes of 500,000 barrels each of heavy naphtha, the traders said.
"This is the typical annual PDVSA tender to guarantee supply of blending components for the year. The company always launches these tenders around this date," a trader said.
Venezuela exports some 500,000 barrels per day (bpd) of fuels, but it has always imported components for motor gasoline and since 2012 is also increasing imports of other fuels such as distillates.
The company will receive offers until November 26. The refining company Petrojam, comprised of PDVSA and the Jaimaican government to run the 35,000 bpd Kingston refinery, also launched a tender to buy one 50,000 barrel cargo of ULSD to be received on December 19-23 at Port Bustamente, Kingston.
The company, which in October bought two 80,000 barrel cargoes of gasoline for the Jamaican domestic market, said in the tender invitation that offers must be indexed to the US Gulf Coast's ULSD and they will be received until November 27.
For the sellers side, Colombia's state-run Ecopetrol and the Cartagena refinery are offering two cargoes of high-sulfur diesel.
The Colombian oil company, which this month launched a previous tender on the open market to buy gasoline and ultra low-sulfur diesel (ULSD), expects to deliver a first 200,000 barrel cargo and a second 180,000 barrel cargo of high-sulfur diesel on December 12-14 at its Mamonal port.
The company that owns the 80,000 barrel per day (bpd) Cartagena refinery, will receive offers for this tender until November 27.
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