The lowest and the smallest..........
- Total investment (as a percentage of GDP) at 16.6 percent, lowest since FY04
- Total investment (as a percentage of GDP) at 16.6 percent, lowest since FY04
- Private investment (as a percentage of GDP) at 10.7 percent, smallest since FY04
- Domestic savings (as a percentage of GDP) at 9.9 percent, lowest in the decade
- Foreign savings (as a percentage of GDP) at 2.8 percent, smallest since FY05
- Exports as a percentage of GDP (9.2 percent), lowest in the decade
- Trade gap as a percentage of GDP (5.2 percent), smallest since FY05
- Cotton yarn output, 2159 million kilograms, lowest since FY04
- Cotton cloth production, 762 million square metres, smallest since FY04
- Number of cotton spindles installed, lowest since FY04
- Fertilizer output, 4.9 million tons, smallest since FY02
- Caustic soda production 137 (000) tons, lowest in the decade
- Cigarettes manufactured, 49.5 billion sticks, lowest since FY03
- Jute production 77.9 (000) tons, smallest in the decade
- Crude oil extraction, 17.9 million barrels, lowest in the decade
- Gas supply at 1109.4 mcf, lowest since FY03
- Number of primary schools, 156.4 (000), lowest since FY04
- Estimated loss to economy on account of war on terror $11.5 billion (July-April), biggest ever hit since the war began
- Growth in fisheries 1.4 percent, lowest since FY05
- Per capita energy 0.28 TOE, lowest in the decade
Source: Pakistan Economic Survey 2009/10
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