Juma-tul-Wida to be observed with religious reverence
LAHORE: The Muslims all across the country, as the world over, will observe Jumatul Wida, last Friday of the holy month of Ramzan and Al-Quds Day, with religious reverence on Friday.
A huge number of followers would visit mosques to offer prayers with respect and honour as the day bears key importance for the Muslims.
Ulema and Mashaikh would deliver lectures on importance of Ramzan and urge the followers to tread the path of Allah and the Holy prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and fully act upon the teachings of Islam.
Special prayers will be offered for the prosperity of and solidarity among the Muslims as well as unity of the Ummah.
Also known as Al-Quds Day, the Muslims observe the day to express solidarity with Palestinian people in their struggle against Israeli subjugation.
Under special arrangements the administration of all cities and towns are preparing security plans to thwart any untoward incident.
In their sermons `khateebs' belonging to different schools of thought would highlight the importance of fasting, `Shab-e-Qadr' and the practice of `Aitekaf'. They would lead prayers for progress, prosperity and peace in the country.
Tight security measures will be taken around all mosques in the provincial capital.
Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2011
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