Prime Minister Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan on Sunday directed authorities to pay Rs 100,000 compensation to the bereaved family of photographer who was killed by police firing during a protest demonstration against government in Chanari town last Thursday.
The Prime Minister directed deputy commissioner Muzaffarabd for an immediate payment of Rs 100,000 as compensation to the bereaved family of photographer Raja Bilal.
Bilal, was succumbed to injuries in way to hospital. He was shot in the stomach directly by police when he was taking the snaps of direct police firing on crowd which trying to siege a power station near Chanari to protest the prolong load shedding in the area.
Bilal was among 16 who wounded by police firing during protest. Six policemen were also among the injured. An additional deputy commissioner was injured when protestors beaten him and dragged him on the rocks.
However Sardar Sikandar did not ordered inquiry into the killing of freelance photographer Bilal Raja by police.
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