NWFP Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani has asked all the members of the provincial assembly (MPAs) to prepare their developmental schemes through consultation so that these could be included in the new Annual Development Programme (ADP), as he had convened a meeting on Monday next.
Officials of P&D and finance would give briefing in the Monday's meeting.
"We would show the MPAs the existing resources that we have saved through trimming down non-developmental expenditures and strict financial discipline," he said.
However, the MPAs should indicate the basic needs of their constituencies so that the developmental strategies could reflect the people's aspirations. The chief minister said the government would take up the proposals and recommendations of the elected representatives and accommodate them in the new scheme of things.
They should prioritise their schemes ensuring the welfare and interest of the people so that those areas neglected in the past should have their share in the flow of resources, he added.
He was talking to elected members as a part of the weekly meetings at Frontier House, Peshawar on Wednesday.
Those who attended the meeting included Amanullah Haqqani, Mohammad Amin, Dr Salim, Majid Khan, Israrul Haq, Mian Nisar Gul, Mohammad Idrees, Malik Imran, Mazhar Ali Shah, Alamzeb Umarzai, Mohammad Ali Shah, Farman Ali, Tariq Khattak, Ibrahim Qasmi, Qari Gul Azeem, Sarfaraz Khan, Farid Khan, Syed Qalb Hassan, Musammar Shah, Gorsiren Lal, Shaukat Habib, Pir Mohammad, Abdul Akbar Khan, Maulana Mujahid, Khalid Waqar Chamkani, Maulana Gohar Shah, Zafarullah Marwat, Shabir Ahmad and Hamid Shah.
The chief minister asked the elected representatives to properly monitor the ongoing schemes and ensure rapid implementation. There should be no wastage of resources and the public sector institutions should be responsive to the will of the people.
Regarding electricity problems, installation, replacement of transformers and transmission lines, the chief minister said that a well thought out strategy had been evolved that would reduce the problems of the people. However, he asked the people to pay the electricity bills regularly.
He said that his government was bringing dynamism in the education sector and the condition of existing hospitals were also being upgraded through construction and upgradation of A and B grade hospitals in all the districts on the basis of population.
He called upon the MPAs to persuade the people to promote virtues and discourage wrong trends.
Talking to MPAs of district Chitral, the chief minister said that the funds for the Lowari Tunnel have been doubled. NHA has been asked to upgrade Mardan to Chitral road.
He said that his government has planned upgradation of road network in the entire northern, central and southern districts of the Frontier province.
He directed the secretaries of various public sector departments to make it their daily routine that they hold meetings with the elected representatives and people from 9 O'clock to 11 O'clock.
He assured that the Zakat Fund would be properly utilised and only the deserving people would get benefit from it.
He was optimistic that the federal government would raise hydel profit up to Rs 8 billion and the government would also get Rs 3.5 billion from Centre.
With additional Rs 5.3 billion to Rs 6 billion, the provincial government would not only launch and complete its developmental projects, but would also work for poverty eradication.
Work on Torkham-Jalalabad and Bannu Ghulam Khan road would be taken in hand in the next fiscal year and the government has got the permission of the federal government to construct the missing link of Rind Road Peshawar.
With all these activities, the Frontier province would become the centre of economic and trade activities. He assured that the developmental process would continue gradually.
He also informed the elected representatives that various donors were keen to provide resources for developmental activities in the Frontier province.
He said he is visiting US next month to conclude various agreements with donor agencies. He called upon the MPAs to help the government in uprooting crimes from their respective areas.
The government would show zero level tolerance to criminals and corrupt practices, he added.
Durrani said a comprehensive project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for widening and construction of roads in NWFP is being initiated.
The completion of the project would open new avenues for economic prosperity and create additional job opportunities in the province, he added.
He had recently held a meeting with the ADB delegation where the agreement was concluded.
Under the project 1,025km long highways would be widened, constructed and repaired, which include 212km long highways, 703km long roads in districts and rural areas and 310km long highways - Peshawar, Torkham road, Indus Highway, Peshawar-Badabher road, D.I. Khan Srai Gambila road and Bannu-Ghulam Khan road. The project will cost $423.6 million.
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