BEIJING: China's commercial crude oil stocks at the end of May rose 0.9 percent from the previous month and refined fuel stocks eased 1.7 percent from April, the official Xinhua News Agency reported on Friday.
Diesel recorded a drop of 5.4 percent from the previous month, reflecting upbeat diesel demand due to harvesting and cultivation of crops, as well as record high exports, reported China Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals (OGP), a newsletter published by Xinhua.
Gasoline supply, however, rose 1.4 percent in May to the highest level since at least January 2007, the data showed, but the growth rate eased from April's 10.8 percent. Kerosene also gained 5.9 percent to the highest since at least January 2010, the earliest that Reuters holds kerosene inventory data.
In May, China's refinery crude throughput fall 0.1 percent from a year earlier at 44.23 million tonnes, the country's statistics bureau said in a statement.
The following table shows China's commercial stockpile in millions of metric tonnes, calculated by Reuters based on monthly percentage change data released each month in China OGP.
The publication stopped reporting outright volumes in July 2010. It does not include strategic reserves and may also not include reserves held by the state-owned oil majors for strategic purposes.
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