Grays Leasing Limited was incorporated in the province of Punjab as a public limited company on 31st August 1995. The company is listed on Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges. It is principally engaged in the leasing business and also provides financial and advisory services.
At present Grays Leasing shares are trading at Rs 9.75 per share which is very close to the par value of Rs 10. During the last one year it had moved above its par value as it had increased from Rs 9 per share to Rs 13.15 per share.
Both gross revenue as well as pre tax profit substantially increased during 9M 2003-04, the period under review.
Lease income at Rs 73.07 mln constituted 94.67% of total profit of Rs 77.18 mln. On the other hand total expenses and provisions in the sum of Rs 44.62 mln were lower by Rs 3.34 mln as compared to Rs 47.96 mln incurred in the preceding year.
Main reduction was in financial and other charges. Administrative/operating expenses as well as provision for doubtful receivables registered modest increase by a million rupees.
Performance Statistics (Million Rupees)
Balance sheet -As At-
March 31 June 30
2004 2003
Share Capital-Paid-up: 180.00 180.00
Reserves: 68.02 39.95
Shareholders Equity: 248.02 219.95
S.T Finances: 30.00 115.00
L.T Security Deposits: 213.60 175.03
Certificates of Investment: 45.20 48.20
Redeemable Capital: 435.41 260.89
Accrued & Other Liabilities: 14.93 13.04
Provision for Taxation: 3.26 1.77
Liabilities Against Assets
Subject to Finance Lease: 3.89 1.22
Employees Retirement Gratuity: 1.46 1.35
Dividend Payable: - 18.00
Deferred Taxation: 45.00 42.00
Net Investments in
Finance Leases: 939.61 845.80
Cash & Bank Balances: 28.01 20.89
Placements with
Financial Institutions: 15.00 -
Investments: 11.50 4.73
Advance, Deposits, Prepayments
& Other Receivables: 34.17 15.07
L.T Security Deposit: 0.56 0.28
Tangible Fixed Assets: 11.92 9.68
Total Assets: 1,040.77 896.45
Profit & Loss A/c For the
Nine Months Ended March 31 2004 2003
Lease Income: 73.07 71.92
Other Income: 4.11 3.49
Gross Revenue: 77.18 75.41
Total Expenses & Provisions: (44.62) (47.96)
Profit Before Taxation: 32.56 27.45
Profit After Taxation: 28.06 20.23
Earnings Per Share (Rs): 1.56 1.12
Share Price (Rs) on 16.08.2004: 9.75 -
Price/Earning Ratio: 6.25 -
Book Value Per Share (Rs): 13.78 12.22
Lease Income/Total Profit (%): 94.67 95.37
Net Profit/Total Income (%): 38.40 26.83
R.O.A (%): 2.70 2.26
COMPANY INFORMATION: Chairman: Harold John Gray; Vice Chairman: Khawar Anwar Khawaja; Chief Executive: Abdul Rashid Mir; Chief Financial/Company Secretary: Fawad Hanif; Registered Office & Head Office: 41-A, Lawrence Road Lahore
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