NWFP Information Asif Iqbal Daudzai has said the MMA government keeping in view the sanctity of the Ramazan being provided atta bags to the poor by bearing an additional loads of Rs 30.5 million. He stated this while addressing a religious ceremony at Jamia Mosque in Shagai Balla Naguman here.
The ceremony was also attended by Qari Faiz-ur-Rehman, MNA, JUI office-bearers, and people of the area in large member.
He said the present government has arranged 15,000 bags of atta for each and every constituency of the provincial assembly to be provided at low rate to the poor in Ramazan.
The minister said on every Sunday 3,000 bags will have to be distributed in his constituency during this month to complete the quota of 15,000 bags.
He said that government was also making efforts to control price-hike, adding the price control committees were working under the control of district governments so the federal government was being contacted to remove this drawback.
He also presented details of development projects being executed at his constituency, saying that Rs 30 million was being spent on the construction of Naguman Neelawi Road.
He said the prime minister will announce package after Eid for NWFP.
The ceremony was also addressed by MNA Qari Fiaz-ur-Rehman and Maulana Ghani-ur-Rehman and pray for the progress of the country and its people.
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