Sindh Chief Minister Dr Arbab Ghulam Rahim on Tuesday appealed to Zamindars and growers to abide by their promise and ensure early supply of sugarcane to sugar mills in the province.
In a statement the chief minister said the Sindh government had committed to order the start of sugarcane crushing from October 1 and issued a notification in this regard as per its specified policy keeping in view the water shortage and cultivation of Rabi crop.
He said due to the continued government efforts the sugar mill owners finally agreed to start crushing from October 15 and later from October 20 while they had earlier planned to start crushing after December 31.
Dr Arbab Rahim said now when the mills have started crushing, some unwise Zamindars or irresponsible elements are not supplying sugarcane to mills, which is a wrong and undue act.
He pointed out that due to the government efforts, the sugarcane rate has been fixed at Rs 43 instead of Rs 41 per maund besides fixation of premium. He said the government would fully ensure that growers are paid the sugarcane price at Rs 43 per maund.
He said the Zamindars and growers too should realise their responsibility and start supplying sugarcane to mills because only after the cane is harvested, their lands will be available for wheat cultivation.
The chief minister said that if sugarcane is cut now, the weight of sugarcane will not reduce and on the other hand water will be saved from wastage.
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