Former Indian prime minister Inder Kumar Gujral said that Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain was the only leader and intellectual in the sub-continent, who was not only struggling for the attainment of the rights of oppressed people but was building positive thinking among people of the region.
He compared Altaf Hussain with Mahatma Gandhi who struggled for the independence of the people of sub-continent and changed the medieval thinking of people into a positive thinking.
Gujral expressed these views during his meeting with Altaf Hussain at his residence. MQM's central co-ordination committee member M. Anwar was also present in the meeting.
Gujral hailed the struggle of Altaf Hussain and said there was no such example in the history of the world that a leader has kept his nation united through telephonic addresses the way he did and now some people were following this practice of telephonic addresses.
Gujral said that when he was elected Prime Minister of India, he mentioned in his statement to the Indian legislators that this was the charisma of Indian democracy that a Mohajir, who migrated to India, was elected as Prime Minister and it had eliminated all sorts of discrimination.
He also assured that the steps taken by the MQM to improve relationship between India and Pakistan have full support of all the Indian politicians and people.
Altaf Hussain hailed Gujral's views and said that people of India and Pakistan had suffered very much due to the three wars and both the countries should learn from the initiatives of the European Union.
The MQM chief further said that President Pervaiz Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz were very liberal in their thinking and they were sincere for friendship with India.
Altaf Hussain said that MQM believes in serving people irrespective of their cast, creed, sex, colour, culture, language, religion and belief and the party's elected legislators include people from all walks of life.
He further said that as a result of MQM's struggle, sense of awareness had aroused in the middle- and lower middle-class people of the Sindh province and the oppressed people including religious minorities had started gathering under the MQM's banner.
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