The first Global Indian Film Awards (GIFA) will be held next month in Dubai, which is aiming to establish itself as the crossroads between Hollywood and Bollywood. The January 25-27 event will honour a host of Bollywood artists and performers in the bustling Gulf emirate, which this month held its first international film festival, promising to entertain Bollywood fans across the Middle East.
"Global Events (Dubai) is proud to present the first Global Indian Film Awards in Dubai" when awards will be given "for over 20 categories including best actor, best actress and a host of technical awards that celebrate excellence in Indian cinema," Global Events president Sameer Khan said.
"Nominations for GIFA will be invited for films released in the Indian market during the period January 2004 - December 2004," he said.
Fans from the Middle East will be able to vote for their favourite stars, Khan said.
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