Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi has said concerted strategy had been evolved to take maximum benefit of Information Technology for the purpose of improving administrative skills of the public sector, over-hauling the educational system and increasing the pace of social sector development in the province.
He was presiding over a high-level meeting on promoting Information Technology here on Tuesday. Punjab Chief Secretary Kamran Rasool, Microsoft International Company Country Head Jawad Rehman, IT Secretary Tariq Bajwa, P&D Chairman Suleman Ghani and officials of other departments were also present on the occasion.
The Punjab Chief Minister said as many as 31 projects had been launched in the Punjab IT sector. The completion of those projects would bring a revolutionary change in the services sector, industry and education, land revenue, C&W and other departments.
He said a comprehensive policy was being devised to develop the indigenous IT industry. He observed the promotion of IT sector would help in reducing the unemployment and promoting economic activities.
He said computer-training programme for the benefit of employees had been finalised and thousands of government officials had been imparted training of Information Technology.
On the occasion, Microsoft Pakistan Country Head Jawad Rehman said Microsoft was extending full co-operation to improve the IT sector.
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