Anti Terrorism Court Bahawalpur headed by Syed Afzaal Sharif has awarded death sentence nine count to one of the killers, Muhammad Amin son of Allah Ditta who had gunned down two constables and seven under trial prisoners near Bahawalpur last year. He was also sentenced to 17 years rigorous imprisonment and fined Rs 30,000. He would have to undergo for further one year R.I in default of payment of fine. The court also asked him to pay compensation of Rs 100,000 to each deceased family.
According to details, a police party comprising Sub Inspector Muhammad Ali, Head Constable Muhammad Akram and Constables Muhammad Yaquob, Muhammad Azhar, Noor Ahmed, Muhammad Qasim and Latif were taking seven accused Aurangzeb, Hamayun, Abid Hussain, Allah Ditta, and Muhammad Yaquob to anti terrorism court Bahawalpur from Bahawalnagar prison.
Another prisoner Muhammad Shaaban alias Shoba and a cop/mailer, Nasir Zaman were also boarded on the vehicle. As it reached at check post Katarian, the driver found the road blocked because tractor trolley loaded with sugarcane was standing in the mid of the road.
As soon as he stopped the vehicle, two jeeps appeared there and a dozen people started firing with klashnikovs, rifles, and guns. Resultantly two cops and seven prisoners killed on the spot. Police have arrested Muhammad Amin while other ran away. They would be tried later.
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