The present government has decided in principle to convert Karachi into a 'cyber city' within next four to five years, Sindh Minster for Information Technology Syed Mustafa Kamal said on Tuesday. He was addressing as the chief guest to the ceremony for signing MoU between the Mir Khalilur Rehman Foundation and Microsoft regarding working jointly from the platform of the Community Technology Training Center (CTLC) to strive for "learn and go ahead mission, to achieve a multi-sphere progress in all sectors."
The minister said that Karachi was an economic hub of the country, having favourable conditions for investment. This city with a population of 14 million, alone generated 68 percent of the national revenue, he added.
Mustafa Kamal said that the people of Pakistan in general and Karachitties in particular were peaceful citizens, and law and order situation was not as bad as propagated by the western media.
He said that the present government was determined to end all types of crimes in the Sindh province, including Karachi, however, he added, the government alone could not bring an economic or any kind of revolution, and the private sector must come forward in this regard.
The minister, lauding the service of Mir Khalilur Rehman Foundation said that it was playing a pivotal rule regarding the development of community. He said that his government would provide it with any needed support.
He said that the basic objects of the Sindh IT department were to help introducing the latest information technology in the country and to convert the whole Sindh into a 'IT Zone' by encouraging the investment with collaboration of the private sector.
The IT minister said that to improve the information technology infrastructure his department was in contact with local and foreign companies.
On the occasion, Microsoft Chairman for Middle East and Africa Emre Briken said that the progress in any sector was not possible without a quality education. He said that the Microsoft used to co-operate in social sector, especially in education, in all countries where it did its business.
He said that he was proud to be a partner of the Mir Khalilur Rehman Foundation. He said that the Microsoft had inked two contracts with the Federal Education Department and the National Commission of Human Resources, which would provide positive results soon.
Emre Briken said that in collaboration with National Commission of Human Resources, 22 community learning centers had been established in various parts of the country.
He said that Microsoft would soon launch investment in the IT sector in Sindh, which would provide jobs to 20,000 local residents. He said that computer training would also be provided to the youth, especially students as well as the media persons and their children.
Microsoft Country Manager for Pakistan Javadul Rehman said that the CTLC was a unique institution with a state of the art laboratory. He said that after the CTLC, the Microsoft would soon launch other projects too.
He said that Pakistan was a country with 150 million population and vast opportunities in every walk of the life. He said that it was our duty to play a due role regarding utilising this potential. He said the know-how about IT was a must for a rapid progress.
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