Sindh Chief Minister's Adviser for Health Faisal Malik said here on Thursday the provincial health department was planning an operation against unqualified doctors and Hakeems, beside unregistered and substandard blood banks. Talking to various delegations from the interior Sindh in his office, the health advisor said a 'grand operation' would be launched soon to end all the causes of epidemic and contagious diseases in the province, and no one would be permitted to play with the human lives.
Faisal Malik said it was the need of the hour to take stern action against those who had been negligent to make of a healthy society. He said the government had decided to tighten the noose around those who were fleecing the common people in the guise of providing them with healthcare, and in fact spreading contagious diseases.
The health advisor said in that regard no pressure from any quarter would be tolerated. He said the government would end the rural and urban divide, and a stern operation would also be launched against the unqualified doctors and quacks in the remote rural areas, besides the cities and towns.
The delegation lauded the efforts of the Sindh government regarding ending the menace of substandard blood banks, and assured the advisor of their full co-operation in that regard.
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