Provincial Interior Minister Rauf Siddiqui has said a uniform police control system would be introduced in all provinces and a mechanism would be set up to transmit information from one province to the others. In an interview on Thursday, he said the inter-provincial peace conference held at Lahore would give far-reaching results. He said the federal government had taken an admirable step to convene the peace conference.
Rauf Siddiqui said lawbreakers used to hide in other provinces after committing a crime in one province and the police of the concerned province had to undergo a lengthy process to take action against them, meanwhile the lawbreakers again got them shifted to some other place. He said that legal hindrance was being removed.
The interior minister said to tighten the noose against terrorists, performance of the special branch and CID was being improved.
He said the shortage of funds was the main hurdle in the way of bettering performance of the police. He said that's why the Sindh police braved a shortage of equipment, vehicles, modern arms and manpower.
Rauf Siddiqui said the crime management cells were being set up in all four provinces.
He said a uniform pay system for police personnel in the whole country would also help raising the performance of the department.
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