Punjab Employees Social Security Institution (Pessi) has raised the minimum amount of pension from Rs 100 to Rs 700 for the families of deceased industrial workers. This was decided in a Governing Body meeting presided over by Punjab Labour Minister Syed Akhtar Hussain Rizvi here on Wednesday, which was also attended by Secretary Labour Major Shahnawaz Badar (Retd), Commissioner Pessi Naveed Akram Cheema and other senior officers of the department, disclosed an official.
The meeting was informed that the department has already increased the pension of those registered industrial workers who evidently become disable during their working hours by fixing the minimum rate at Rs 650 of their pension. Now the families of those workers who have lost their lives during working hours were also demanding review of their pension rate, which was only Rs 100 as minimum rate.
After discussing various pros and cons of the matter, the minister approved that new rate of minimum pension for the family members of deceased industrial workers as Rs 700. The Pessi would incur additional expenditure of Rs 1800,000 in its budget.
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