Minister for Information and Broadcasting Sheikh Rashid Ahmed on Wednesday categorically stated that solution of all issues with India lies in the peaceful settlement of Indian occupied Kashmir issue. "We want to have composite dialogue with India on all issues with a focus on Kashmir dispute," he said addressing "Karbla-e-Kashmir Conference" organised by Jammu and Kashmir Anjumane Shari Shian, a component of All Parties Hurriyat Conference.
On the Baglihar Dam issue, Sheikh Rashid said, Pakistan will not compromise on principles and that is why it has approached the World Bank.
"Pakistan has approached World Bank to seek a just decision on Baglihar. We are not expecting any concession from the Bank but our lands should not go barren on completion of the dam."
In case this issue goes unheeded by the concerned then, he fear that all confidence building measures (CBMs) between Pakistan and India, will go waste.
Terming the Kashmir dispute a centre for all issues between India and Pakistan, he said, it would be settled as countless sacrifices rendered by the Kashmiri people will never go waste.
He said President General Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz had already stated their clear stance that any solution of the Kashmir issue will only be acceptable which was according to the wishes of Kashmiris.
He said the ongoing process of dialogue is the last chance for seeking solution of Kashmir dispute as a number of meetings and parleys were held in the past which all went futile.
He said that if this time again the solution of the issue is not sought then it would be highly disappointing for not only the people of India and Pakistan but for all peace-loving nations.
"The relations between India and Pakistan will not normalise until the Kashmir issue is resolved", he said.
Sheikh Rashid Ahmed pointed out that if cease-fire accord between Israel and Palestinians can take place then the world community should also play a role in seeking peaceful solution of the Kashmir issue.
Referring to the upcoming visit of Indian Foreign Minister Natwar Singh to Pakistan next month, he expressed the hope that things will move forward.
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