Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas Makhdoom Syed Faisal Saleh Hayat on Friday said that the system of income tax collection in AJK would be streamlined to improve its efficiency. Speaking at a meeting he said there is always room of improvement in the income tax department of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council. The department's working would be improved after removing administrative faults, he said. He directed the concerned staff to find out ways to overcome deficit in the tax collection.
Saleh Hayat said that there is no room for corruption in the income tax department. According to a report it was told at the briefing that there are 363,261 power consumers, 50,341 telephone subscribers and 4,950 mobile phone users in AJK. The minister said he has directed to established discipline and introduce better system of maintaining files and registers in the department.
During briefing, it was informed that the AJK Council has set Rs 2660 million a target of income tax collection in AJK during the current financial year. The meeting was informed that there is a significant improvement in the collection of withholding tax and this aspect is being given attention.
He asked the tax officers to work without caring for any fear. He said that the target of income tax collection for the current year should be achieved in any case. Meeting was informed that the Council's tax department is facing shortage of officers and staff and there is a need for holding training workshops and capacity building measures.
It was proposed that taxpayer facilitation centers should be established. The Federal Minister said the sanctioned vacant posts should be advertised at the earliest. Secretary Ministry of KANA Rasool Bakhsh Baloch and other officers were also present in the meeting.
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