Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz on Friday said that the government was striving to create a drug free society in the country. He was talking to the Minister for Narcotics Control, Ghaus Baksh Mahar who met him at the Prime Minister House here. The Prime Minister said that all out efforts were being made to check production and trafficking of drugs and their proliferation in the society. "We are committed to protect our younger generation from the menace of drugs" he added.
He said that prevention and rehabilitation forms the major planks of the government's strategy to deal with the problem of drugs and narcotics.
The government has already alerted the relevant state agencies in this regard, he added.
The minister updated the Prime Minister on the recent seizures made recently by the ANF and briefed him on the overall situation with regard to checking the drug trafficking. He said that the law enforcing agencies would remain alert to thwart all attempts aimed at trafficking of drugs.
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