Information and Broadcasting Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has said the meeting between Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto is no threat to the contacts between the government and Pakistan People's Party Parliamentarian (PPPP). In a telephonic interview to a private TV channel, he said the PPPP is in constant contact with the government, and the meeting between Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto can be a move on part of PPPP to secure better bargaining position.
Responding to a question, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said the government and the PPPP are in contact for the past two-three months and Benazir Bhutto is aware of the situation.
"Benazir Bhutto and the PPPP are not different things", he added.
He said it will be a great service to nation if an understanding develops between the PPPP and the government, adding it will put the country on rapid path of progress and prosperity to surprise the entire world.
To another question, he said the government-PPP alliance will remain in place even an understanding is reached between the government and the PPPP.
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