Gujranwala Range DIG Mohammad Altaf Qamar has said that Police have busted the gang involved in Zainabia mosque bomb blast incident, adding the ringleader and other members of the gang had been arrested, while the main character of the bomb blast incident killed. Addressing a meeting held in connection with Muharram at civil rest house here Saturday last, the DIG said that metal detectors would be provided to the administrations of mosques and imambargahs of Sialkot, Narowal, Gujrat, Gujranwala and Mandi Bahauddin districts of Gujranwala division.
He said that all out efforts were being made to eliminate anti-social elements and criminals from the division. Altaf Qamar called upon the people that they should keep an eye on suspected persons for edging out the possibilities of any terrorism in their respective districts.
The government has banned the use of loudspeakers and exhibition of arms during Muharram in the province and strict action would be taken against the violators, he said.
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