Mobile squad, in its drive against crime, had arrested 300 criminals and smashed five gangs of notorious criminals during the month of January and recovered stolen vehicles from them. The sources said, squad had also recovered illegal weapons and narcotics including a rifle, a gun, 25 revolvers, 70 pistols, 285 bullets, 548 gram heroin, 11 kg hashish, 13 litre alcohol, 13 bottles of liquor, a stolen car, a motorcycle and 7 mobile phones during the same period.
Meanwhile, Islampura squad arrested six members of Yaqoob gang with illegal weapons and traced 17 cases against them.
Patrol squad Iqbal Town apprehended three criminals of Zakriya alias Zaki gang with stolen goods in January 2005.
Petrol Squad Misri Shah arrested three criminals of Shahid alias Tidda gang with illegal weapons and Mobile Garhi Shahu arrested four accused of Khiyam alias Sunny gang with illicit arms while Mobile Shera Kot arrested three members of Amer dacoit gang with illegal weapons during the same period. SP Mobiles Mohammad Waqar Abbasi distributed cash awards and commendatory certificates among the police officials for showing good performance.
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