An allegedly illegal detainee Bhooral Lakhan was got released from the lock-up of Sarhad Police Station in a raid conducted by civil judge Ghotki, Sohrab Khan Brohi. The raid was conducted on Saturday on the order of session judge Ghotki, Abdul Rasool Memon. According to details, one Mehmood Lakhan had moved an application in the Court of District and Session Judge, alleging that his maternal cousin Bhooral and another person Sanwal Pahaur were being kept in illegal confinement in Sarhad Police Station.
During the raid, Sarhad Police Station authorities failed to produce any substantial material or evidence regarding the involvement of Bhooral Lakhan in any case, after which the Civil Judge Ghotki ordered his release.
However, the police showed a FIR against Sanwal Pahaur, after which he was being interrogated on a police remand of 7 days.
The civil judge also ordered SHO Sarhad Police Station to produce both of them in the Court of District and Sessions Judge, Ghotki.
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