This is the sad story of a married couple of Bahawalnagar, 80-year old man and 75-year old woman, who had to live under the shadow of illegitimacy for a period of over 21 years, courtesy our judicial system. The case against the couple was registered, under the Hudood Ordinance, in the year 1984, and it was only September 22, 2003 that the sessions court decided the case, having sentenced the couple to five years imprisonment.
Finally, the Federal Shariat Court, on 1st February 2005, set aside their conviction, declaring their marriage lawful. While the case speaks volumes about the delay in dispensation of justice in our country, can one fathom the agony and contempt under which the couple lived so long and brought up their children, the eldest now being of 15 years of age, in a conservative society of ours?
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