The students of various colleges under the banner of 'Muttahida Talaba Mahaz' on Thursday observed token hunger strike here at Punjab University old campus in protest against the constitution of Aga Khan Board (AKB). Muslim Students Federation President Rana Muhammad Arshad, Jamiat Talaba-e-Islam Chief Zaheer ud din Babar, Islami Talaba Tehreek representative Ghulam Abbas and Muttahida Talaba Mahaz President Babar Farooq Rahimi observed the hunger strike.
Talking to newsmen, they demanded of the government to immediately withdraw the decision regarding constitution of Aga Khan Board. They said the board was contrary to the Ideology of Pakistan and a deep-rooted conspiracy against the education system. They announced to hold a demonstration in front of the National Assembly on February 21 and 22 and decided to hold a rally here on March 7.
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