The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has planned to hold the second road show in Peshawar on March 19, after successfully organising the first road show on investment in capital market in Sialkot last month. The road show is being organised in collaboration with Central Depository Company of Pakistan (CDC) to create awareness among the small investors aimed to broaden the base.
These shows are part of an awareness programme to educate potential investors in small cities about the stock markets to expand the investor base. Similar road shows are also planned for Hyderabad, Quetta, Multan and Faisalabad.
The road show initiated at Sialkot was the first of its kind on this scale and was a major success.
The event hosted a healthy turnout of investors who actively participated in the proceedings. The participants appreciated the efforts of SECP and CDC for promoting investment culture in the country.
The investors also suggested that all market players should conduct more of such shows in future as well. The participants were actively involved in the event and discussed their apprehensions and concerns with the panel of experts to their satisfaction.
CDC chief executive officer Hanif Jakhura explaining the event said the motive behind organising those road shows was to attract investments to the capital market from small cities.
In those road shows, market experts would educate potential investors about the workings of the capital market and benefits of healthy investments to clear the misconceptions about stock market investments, he added.
He said people in the smaller cities of the country were still hesitant to enter the capital market due to lack of information and proper guidance.
Jakhura added the CDC continued to set the new standards for the promotion of a true investment culture and would ensure its enduring social responsibility as a good corporate citizen.
He said that initiative would also assist fund managers, brokerage houses and financial institutions in reaching investors across Pakistan.
The CDC is an infrastructure company of the capital market which offers unmatchable benefits of instant credit of shares, greater liquidity, cost saving in postage and stamp duty, reduced workload, quick services and convenient accommodation of huge volume issues.
Announcing a colossal tariff reduction of 66.67 percent recently in the annual fee for individual investor account, bringing it down to Rs 500 from Rs 1,500 effective March 01, the CDC has once again kept its promise of providing efficient and reliable services at bare minimum cost.
The CDC has continuously been reducing its tariffs in all areas since starting operations to provide cost effective services to its customers and to further encourage the small investors, moving them towards being an integral part of the country's capital market.
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