I make the following suggestions to make the stock market a stable and reliable institution.To avoid, hedging, Satabazee, daily intra-day insider trading, volatile rumours, speculation, frauds, monopolisation, manipulation by a few stock brokers:
(1a) Suggestion: No investor will sell his 'share' before 3 months (b) Prices will change by 1 to 2% on the basis of two quarters' financial reports (c) investors will pay income tax on capital gain and similarly the brokers after 6 months as per the government rules (d) no broker will nor any of his employees indulge in any kind of trading (e) on infringement, such dealer be fined Rs 5 crore (f) Brokers fees be increased to Rs 50 crore (g) banks should be stopped from investing in one stock market (it will always promote insider trading and all the ills of the stock market) (h) no mutual fund organisation will own a brokerage house nor make an office in a stock exchange's building, (i) no industrial house will own a brokerage house (j) mutual funds will deposit 2 billion as security deposit.
(k) Future trading should be stopped (m) No private TV channel will bring brokers in TV programmes, nor consultants, analysts discuss any special portfolio scrip for inducement's sake (n) maximum 3 minutes be given to the stock market as they are more important businesses areas to concentrate.
The 2 TV channels dedicated to stock programmes were equally responsible for the current stock debacle (o) no senior government official, minister will appear on TV with stock/property brokers nor talk of the stock index, certain portfolio (racing to 10,000 etc) the privatisation minister should avoided talking on the stock market.
For the moment please consider these as necessary to bring stability, eliminate loot and plunder, Satabazee, greed, anti-industrial factors of non-tangibility of business activity and making it Islamic compliant.
Similar actions can be taken on the Estate and other businesses. I can tremendously contribute towards such ventures.
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