It is a moment of great pleasure and pride for me to commemorate the launching of Pilot Project of Customs Administrative Reforms. Central Board of Revenue has achieved a milestone today by launching and implementing this Project. The Central Board of Revenue initiated Customs Administrative Reforms as part of its campaign to revamp the Federal tax collection machinery.
Pakistan Customs Computerised System (PACCS) is the result of three years of tireless in-house Research and Development work under this initiative by a dedicated team called the CARE Team.
It is indeed a memorable day in the history of Pakistan Customs. I take this opportunity to offer my heartiest felicitations and my best wishes to all our stake-holders involved in this project. I am confident that the introduction of this system will usher a new era of relationship between the trade and the tax authorities based on mutual trust and confidence.
PACCS has been designed with a main objective of facilitating the flow of cargo through our ports and to open Pakistan for business on 24 hours a day and seven days a week basis through a modern, integrated, automated, simplified and expeditious Customs system. PACCS has been designed to reduce the dwell time of cargo at our ports from over fifteen days to less than twenty-four hours.
An efficient Customs play a vital role as a facilitator of international trade and reduces the cost of doing business besides providing complete transparency, predictability and clarity to trade.
Pakistan Customs has emerged as a pioneer in introducing the world's first end to end integrated solution. PACCS is completely paperless. It has an automated risk management system and is based on completely re-engineered business processes and procedures.
World is more integrated today. We are living in a globalised world with ever increasing competition. With the fast changing international environments, especially in the wake of 9/11 scenario, Customs administrations all round the world are being reoriented to meet the challenges of international terrorism. Keeping in perspective the international requirements, PACCS has been compatible with Container Security Initiative (CSI) and International Shipping and Ports Security (ISPS).
With the inception of CARE, Customs administration will become more self reliant, responsive to the needs of the trade and effective, which in turn will make positive contribution to the national economy. Today is a day of our commitment and reaffirmation to serve the nation in a better way. We as a Customs administration fully assure the trade that we are always there to serve and to facilitate them 24 hours a day seven days a week.
With the need of expansion and liberalisation of International trade, it has become necessary to remove barriers to trade and implement standardised and uniform system for all customs functions. These milestones achieved will enhance the image of Customs and show its preparedness to face the emerging global challenges in the light of new WTO policies.
Exports are a major source of foreign exchange earned by the country. The CARE system not only ensures expeditious clearance of export cargo but also speedy disposal of rebate and duty drawback claims.
Every possible effort has been made for simplification of procedural complexities and removal of ambiguities. This initiative will put the country on road to economic progress, stability and dynamism. I am confident that the new automated system will create a conducive, business friendly environment and better interaction between exporters and the Customs.
The new system is based on self assessment. The trader on the declarant files a Goods Declaration, determines his liabilities and pay duties and taxes. The Customs carries out necessary verifications using Risk Management System, which is IT based, non intrusive and impersonal, I am sure that with the implementation of this project we will be fulfilling the mission and the values defined by the Central Board of Revenue.
Integrity, efficiency and transparency will govern our professionalism. However we cannot be complacent. A lot more is required. We are therefore constantly endeavouring to fine tune to meet the international standards and are well aware that there is a long journey ahead.
I wish every success to Pakistan Customs on this auspicious occasion. I would also avail this opportunity to thank all our stakeholders for their co-operation and dedication to make this project a success. I would also express my heartfelt thanks to the Chairman, Central Board of Revenue, all the Officers/Officials of Central Board of Revenue and last but not the least, the CARE Team for their untiring efforts.
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