FRANKFURT: The following table lists planned outages and load reductions at German nuclear power plants.
It gives dates for previous outages, plants returning online and planned shutdowns. Sources are operators' websites and the EEX exchange's transparency website.
The maximum national capacity has gone down to 11,357 MW from previously 12,696 MW, after E.ON took Grafenrheinfeld permanently offline in 2015.
Germany took the axe to the bulk of its nuclear capacity in the summer of 2011, switching off the seven oldest blocks plus Vattenfall's Kruemmel permanently after the Japan nuclear crisis earlier that year raised safety concerns.
German policymakers agreed to leave the 8,821 MW represented by the eight blocks offline when a three-month moratorium expired at the end of June 2011.
Before the Fukushima crisis, German nuclear capacity had amounted to around 21,500 MW.
The policy switch in 2011 reversed longer nuclear life cycles that had been granted to the remaining nuclear power stations in the autumn of 2010. It also sped up the timetable for closure of all remaining capacity by 2022.
With Grohnde back online, reactor capacity is at near totals, safe for the below mentioned partial load drops.
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