Malaysian tin fell more than half a percent on Friday as players took profit on gains from last week. The spot price on the Kuala Lumpur Tin Market ended down $60, or 0.7 percent, at $8,100 a tonne. It had gained $90 last on Wednesday before giving up $20 on Friday. "It was a quiet market today and people saw the chance to take profit," said a trader. Dealers noted initial bids for only 51 tonnes from Japanese, European and Malaysian buyers, against offers for 117 tonnes.
Final turnover was 126 tonnes, against on Friday's 108 tonnes. Tin on the London Metal Exchange (LME), which often lends direction to prices in Kuala Lumpur, ended unchanged on Monday at $8,150 a tonne.
The $60 difference between the close in Kuala Lumpur and London narrowed accordingly the premium for shipping a tonne of Malaysian tin to Europe.
The premium, based on a formula that includes freight, insurance and other financial costs, stood at $175 on Monday compared with $235 on Friday.
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