Bears returned on the driving seat at the Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE) where equities showed negative signs amid decrease in index. ISE Network Index was down by 66.24 points as the rate-based indicator moved from 12,268.68 to 12,202.44 points. The overall turnover amounted to 1,477,000 shares as compared to previous volume of 2,852,100 shares.
Total 125 companies participated in buying and selling activity. Majority of stocks (84) closed in negative territory, 41 showed positive signs while zero company remained pegged to its previous level. The turnover of PTCL was 1,029,500 shares as compared to previous volume of 1,528,500 shares. The volume of OGDCL was 202,100 shares against previous turnover of 765,900 shares. The turnover of Pakistan Oilfields was 922,00 shares as compared to previous turnover of 154,100 shares.
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