NWFP Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani has said that NWFP was replete with natural resources that needed exploitation for the benefit of the people and overall development of the province. He was presiding over a meeting at Frontier House, Peshawar on Saturday. Secretary Industries Badshah Gul Wazir and Director General Mines and Mineral Mian Farooq Iqbal were also present in the meeting. The participants informed the chief minister about certain problems hindering the development, promotion and exploitation of natural resources in the province. The chief minister stated that earning from the natural resources should go to the exchequer.
He directed the quarters concerned to ensure proper collection of excise duty that should be deposited in the public exchequer.
He directed to ensure exploitation on land leased out to certain parties and directed to identify the parties who failed to initiate the development and exploitation and we should also have details about the leases whether these were given on personal interest, likes and dislikes or favouritism and nepotism. He said that there should be a transparent mechanism for leasing out land etc so that nobody could get personal benefit out of the national wealth.
He directed to make mineral sector efficient and dynamic and legally bound the people associated with this sector to spend a portion of the earned money on the welfare of labourers.
He said that the bylaws of the mineral sector should be followed in letter and spirit adding that his government was keen to promote mineral sector like agriculture and industrial sectors that would lead to more jobs creation and attract domestic and foreign investment. He assured his government would encourage private sector investment.
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