Chile's blue chip stocks rose on Friday, as the power sector rebounded from a dip Thursday, spurred by disappointing growth data and higher-than-expected inflation. The IPSA index of 40 leading shares rose 0.25 percent to 1,993.43 points while the broader IGPA index fell 0.14 percent at 9,298.02, according to preliminary closing figures. "This week was very positive, you saw an important energy bill passed by Congress, which we expect to be signed before the presidential speech on May 21," said Cesar Perez-Novoa, an analyst with Celfin brokerage.
The new energy law, passed earlier this week, is expected to encourage new investment in power generation as well as allowing for price increases.
Market bellwether energy group Enersis climbed 1.22 percent to 106.80 pesos per share.
Chile's biggest shipping company Vapores rose 0.90 percent to 1,358.90 pesos per share. The company's stock has steady risen since reporting last week that its profits had more than doubled.
Among those left out of the rebound was LAN Airlines, Chile's leading carrier, which fell 0.6 percent to 4,165 pesos per share.
On the foreign exchange market, the peso currency strengthened for the sixth session in row, bucking the trend of other foreign currencies that its normally follows, such as the euro.
The peso closed at 573.00/573.50 per dollar, 0.17 percent firmer than Thursday's close of 574.00/574.50.
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