Senior Federal Minister and Minister for Defence, Rao Sikandar Iqbal, has said that present government would complete its term and elections would be held in 2007. Talking to newsmen, here on Sunday, he said there was economic and political stability in the country and democratic institutions were functioning well and the question of early elections did not arise. He advised the Opposition to play their role for consolidation of democratic process in the country and abstain from misguiding the masses. The Minister highlighted the remarkable economic progress achieved by the present government under the leadership of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf.
He said the economy was growing fast and the foreign investors were keen to invest in Pakistan as the environment was very conducive. Regarding Kashmir dispute, the Minister said that confidence building measures and composite dialogue process, initiated by Pakistan and India, would help resolve the long-standing issue of Jammu and Kashmir.
He said that resolution of Kashmir dispute was imperative, as it would bring economic and social prosperity to the South Asian region. Rao threw light on government efforts against the war on terror and reaffirmed the government's resolve to further intensify its efforts against fighting the menace so as to curb anti eliminate this evil once for all. He said the government had achieved significant gains and the whole world had appreciated Pakistan's efforts in this regard.
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