This is with reference to the news item published in your issue of 30th April, 2005, by S.M. Taha. Indeed the general public have very little information pertaining to the area of responsibility between I&P and NADRA in issuance of new machine readable passport. To add to this lack of information such news items further confuse not only the general public, but more so high and senior officials of the government as well. The issuance of ID card is concerned, it is the total responsibility of NADRA. The procedures are well defined and well known to the public. Generally, there are no complaints of mishandling the applicants.
Issues like change of address, marital status, even age are being entertained by all the centres of NADRA, along with issuance of new IDs. However it is prudent to mention here that CNIC cannot and will not be issued to a person who doesn't have a family tree." References like CNICs of father, mother, etc. have to be produced before the application is accepted.
As regards the new Machine Readable Passport, let it be clearly understood that NADRA has "no" part/responsibility in processing the applications of the people applying for the new passports. There is "no" NADRA staff posted at Awami Markaz or any other passport office in the entire country.
NADRA was responsible to install the new system at the location provided by I&P, train their personnel and hand over the site to them. Accordingly, the passport office at Awami Markaz, was handed over to I&P on 15th November 2004. Although the site went into production on 21st October 2004 the day when MRP was launched in all provincial capitals and Islamabad. Since then the operations and handling of the applicants are being done by I&P staff in accordance with the relevant instructions from the headquarters of I&P, Islamabad.
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