An integrated Rs 50 billion plan for five years had been inked by the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) government to raise the standard of living of the common man, official sources said on Wednesday. The sources told newsmen that the amount would be exclusively spent for the welfare and uplift of the people across the area. The state government had also fixed the priorities to eliminate the employment problem through the promotion of tourism and hydel power generation sectors - since huge potential was available to promote the two areas in AJK, they added.
In the ongoing hydel power projects, the AJK government will receive the royalty of one billion rupees from the Neelam Hydel Power project. This amount will be spent for the uplift of the people of the area.
At least 400 centers for adult-education are being established in various parts of Azad Kashmir under the spirit to raise the rate of literacy among the adults and to make them the useful citizen.
The government has also allocated Rs 400 million to establish the polytechnic institutes in various parts of the AJK under a broad-based plan to promote the technical education.
In the wake of the drive to gear up the development projects of public welfare in Azad Kashmir, the government has spent a record amount of Rs 5.60 billion on the development schemes exclusively in the education sector during last four years period.
The present rate of literacy in Azad Kashmir has reached to 62 percent following the availability of better educational facilities. The rate of literacy at the primary school level has reached to 98 percent following the availability of the network of public and private sector primary schools.
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