Indian stocks closed 0.49 percent higher Wednesday with buying seen by overseas and domestic funds across several sectors, dealers said. The Mumbai stock exchange's 30-share Sensex rose 32.23 points to close at just under the 6,600 mark at 6,597.60. In the overall market, 1,292 stocks gained while 1,194 stocks declined on overall trading volumes of 21.9 billion rupees (500 million dollars). "There was fresh buying in select software stocks while sentiment improved ahead of the closure of the weekly derivatives contract on May 26," said Atul Hatwar, dealer with brokerage Crosseas Securities.
India's largest car maker, Maruti Udyog, rose three rupees or 0.66 percent to 460.9, following the launch of a new car model, called Swift, for the Indian market Wednesday.
The new car was launched by its joint-venture partner, Japan's Suzuki Motors.
India's third largest software company, Infosys Technologies, rose 16.05 rupees or 0.74 percent to 2,173.05 on fresh buying by domestic funds.
Indian oil and exploration firm, Oil and Natural Gas, rose 11.75 rupees or 1.35 to 883.3 on fresh buying by overseas funds betting the government would approve an increase in petroleum prices.
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