Minister Health Punjab, Dr Tahir Ali Javed has said that Punjab government is upgrading THQ hospitals and RHCs by posting specialist doctors, besides making BHUs functional for the provision of modern medical facilities to the rural masses. He expressed these views while presiding over a meeting regarding provision of tertiary care medical facilities to the people at DHQ level hospitals, here on Thursday. The minister directed the officials of health department to provide grant to the Mian Munshi and Kot Khawaja Saeed Hospitals for the up-gradation of their labs.
Being the nearest to the motorway, a modern and well-equipped trauma centre may be established at Mian Munshi Hospital, he directed. He further directed the health officials to issue orders immediately regarding postings of surgeons and other required medical staff at both the hospitals.
Mian Munshi Hospital would be affiliated with FJMC/ Ganga Ram Hospital for which arrangements were underway, the meeting was informed.
The minister said that after getting the status of teaching hospital, the students would be attached for house jobs and consultants/ specialists would be posted at Mian Munshi Hospital, that would provide state-of-the-art health care facilities to the masses of the area at their doorsteps.
The government has also offered special salary package to doctors and consultants to be posted at BHUs to improve their socio-economic status and provide them proper working condition in rural areas, he maintained.
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