Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz on Friday said the government will provide all support and resources to Pakistan Postal Service enabling it to provide better and more efficient service to the people. He made these observations while reviewing the performance of Pakistan Post Office here at the Prime Minister House. Shaukat Aziz said that the post office was an important department which should be run with the mission to provide services to the people. The Post Office provides useful services to the masses like mailing letters, banking, life insurance and accepting utility bills, he added.
An expert has recently been appointed by the UNDP on the directions of the Prime Minister to suggest recommendations for further improvement in the services of the postal department and introduce modernisation and automation to make it a world class organisation.
Director General Post Office, Major General Agha Masood Hassan (Retd) briefed the Prime Minister on the function, objectives, organisation and restructuring plan of his department. Minister for Communications, Shamim Siddiqui also attended the meeting.
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